Thursday, February 10, 2011

2 shots

While filming for loose nuts team video euro section jotta and ricardo lino went riding arround Oeiras. Luis "slvr" came with the camera and shooted this 2 from jotta!

Friday, February 4, 2011

spAcial technics...

just learned barspins to fakie on quarterpipes, their quite easy compared to flat bank bars, but a lot scarier!!!

give it a try..

special technic of xsjado boxin from Ricardo Lino on Vimeo.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Jotta for BREABBRAKE17

João "jotta" Carmo just started riding for BB17. We are really glad to see more and more the european are getting recognation from international fixed companys.

Ricardo Lino for PHOENIX

yesterday me and jotta went riding on a concrete skatepark and shooted a couple  of shots, including this one for PHOENIX

welcome to WESTFIXED

WESTFIXED is an european freestyle fixed blog starting right now.

We will be posting the mostly original content. Please dont think twice about emailing us with your new stuff!!

Ricardo Lino
João "jotta" Carmo
Roger Silva